The Midden – four years worth of Margaret and Christine Wertheim’s domestic plastic trash.
On Saturday May 18, IFF Director Margaret Wertheim will give a public lecture about the Midden Project at The New Children’s Museum in San Diego. The talk is in conjunction with the Museum’s ongoing TRASH exhibition, which features the IFF’s Midden project as the centerpiece of a show in which artists reflect on rubbish. The core of the IFFs installation is a large sculpture that contains four years’ worth of Margaret and Christine Wertheims’ domestic plastic trash, collected in their home from 2007 – 2011, and hung here in a fishing net, metaphorically referencing a toxic ocean catch.
Supplementing the Midden sculpture is a participatory aspect of the project in which thousands of San Diego children have been making plastic trash “Midden Monsters.” Over the past 18 months more than 7000 children have contributed to an ongoing cloud of trash creations, constituting a child-generated collaborative artwork known as the ‘San Diego Midden’.
Margaret’s lecture will chronicle the Midden and its innovative approach to raising awareness about plastic trash in our seas. The event is part of the NCM’s 5th Birthday celebration.
EVENT FREE: For adults.